How Healthy Indoor Climate is impacted by Air Quality?

Every day, people come across multiple articles describing how vastly our indoor climate has changed over the decades. Keeping a healthy indoor climate has become a bigger challenge than any of us has ever imagined. There are unlimited chemical pollutants, infectious agents, and unwanted particles that are present inside our homes affecting our health.

Air pollution has become a significant problem worldwide, causing serious health issues. The biggest impact is on the developing countries where the population relies on fuels like biomass and coal for cooking and heating. The homes are not properly ventilated, and even the industries are experiencing indoor pollution. Even though the effects are not fatal yet, but for people who have allergies, respiratory problems, or asthma, the bad air quality can be deadly.


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Understand How Indoor Climate Decline

Within the last couple of decades, we have experienced outbreaks of several airborne viruses and bacteria like SARS, avian influenza pandemic, and now Corona Virus. According to studies, the homes with proper ventilation prevented their families from being affected by the outbreaks. Even indoor air quality monitors can make a huge difference in your health. But the majority of people don’t know the factors that create an ideal indoor climate. Most of the factors can be narrowed down to inadequate Ventilation. So, we will focus on understanding how the small components of inadequate ventilation lead to harmful effects.

  • Increased Humidity

It results in excess of humidity, which is generated by the showers, bath, and cooking that takes place inside the doors. It will cause the proliferation of mold, condensation on the windows, and premature deterioration of the home that further habilitates biological pollutants growth.

  • Unsuitable Temperature

Temperature fluctuations indoors are also caused by the inaccurate ventilation system. The ideal indoor temperature should meet the three terms. It must be kept constant as often as possible, the temperature range should vary within 19 to 22°C, and it must never get too low. If the temperature range varies more often than necessary, then the unsuitable temperature will act as a host for outside pollutants.

  • Release of Chemical and Physical & Biological Pollutants

When the ventilation system isn’t capable enough to keep a healthy indoor climate, the chemical and biological contaminant concentrations increase. Carrying extensive home projects, using gas-fired equipment, storing paints, or harmful chemical in the living space, all affect the air quality.

  • Individual Factors

It involves already presenting allergies and diseases among individuals. If there is a member of your family who is allergic to dust particles or some other member who is suffering from respiratory disease, a slight difference in the air quality can drastically worsen their condition.


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